Elisabeth Krista – Botschafterin für glückliche Kindheiten

About me

A happy childhood is the key to peace and equality, which grow through strong relationships. With my years of experience, I support parents and professionals in finding practical and loving solutions to achieve the best for their children.

Strong relationships for happy childhoods

Every childhood leaves a mark that lasts a lifetime. With a deep understanding of early childhood development, I support parents and professionals in building strong and trusting relationships with children. My work aims to combine positive nurturing with a respectful view of the child so that they receive the support they need to grow and thrive. Together we create the foundation for happy, fulfilling childhoods – and a future worth living for all.

Mission, biography, values

This is what there is to tell about me


Imagine a world in whose every human being experiences a happy childhood. Pause for a moment to really think about this. What would that mean? It would be the beginning of true change, starting with children. Peace, democracy and equality don’t just happen, but are created and sustained by people who feel heard and seen. This is what we experience in healthy relationships. It is my firm belief that a peaceful and loving world is possible. Every day I am committed to making this vision a reality.

I am not here to answer your questions. I am here to give you the tools to answer these questions yourself. My offers are practical, quick to implement and effective in the long term. Just as I trust that every child is fundamentally good, I trust that you want the best for the child in your life. Which is why I want to discover solutions along with you to achieve the best for your relationship.

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine a child’s laughter. One of those gurgling, bubbling up from the tummy laughs. How are you feeling now?


I have been working with children since I completed my training as a nursery school teacher over 20 years ago. I am particularly fond of the pre-verbal age, because during this period (up to the age of two) more changes happen in the brain than ever again in our lives. We are not yet able to express ourselves verbally. So we are dependent on others to understand what we need and want and what moves us without us using words.

Mexico – a turning point: Do you know Mexico? Land of colour, music and – children! My boss at the time had founded a childcare centre there in Mexico City. As an open-minded Tyrolean rock singer who loves travelling, I was immediately on board. Her guiding principles were: without bonding, there can be no familiarisation. There can be no education without a relationship.

The professionals were trained in a particular method: Positive Discipline according to Jane Nelsen and Lynn Lott. It is based on Alfred Adler’s individual psychology. It is radically

respectful, stimulates the child, encourages it with daily interactions and lovingly accompanies it in learning for life.

2017 – Berlin: an arrival. I travelled around the metropolis as a specialist advisor and later as an area manager, working with professionals in daycare centres to get the best out of the system. Now I want more direct contact with the people who accompany children on a daily basis for many years. I want to make my accumulated experience, training and expertise available to the people who care for them: People like you. You have a significant influence on how your child loves, learns and thinks. That’s why I want to work with you. Happy childhoods are our responsibility.


A happy childhood can be acquired. It is deeply imprinted in our brain structure. That’s why I enjoy working with parents and professionals who have very young children. Strong relationships shape strong children.

A happy childhood is a question of good relationships. Positive discipline combines practical tools with a loving, constructive view of the child. Children who cause problems have problems to begin with. We need to decode the child’s language, recognise their true needs and offer encouraging stimulation. This is where I can help you. My decades of experience with children of all ages is a treasure that I want to make available to you.

I am very aware of the heavy legacy of great thinkers in education and psychology. However, I will always clearly distance myself where sexism and homophobia have been and continue to be underpinned by supposed psychological constructs. Anyone who knows their Adler knows what I mean.


You can read more from me here

Interview in the professional journal "Betrifft Kinder," August 2024 edition.

Article on Es-sind-zwei.de about sibling conflict.

Article on es-sind-zwei.de about organization.

Article on elterleben.de about needs-based parenting.

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