Elisabeth Krista – Botschafterin für glückliche Kindheiten

Parenting course

Still facing the same parenting problems despite many guides? A parenting course provides you with practical tools to reduce conflicts and make daily life with your children more relaxed.

Experience practical parenting methods in the parenting course!

After the hundred and fiftieth parenting guide, are you still falling into the same traps? Saying the same thing a hundred times? Then it’s time for some hands-on practice and tools for everyday use! A parenting course will change the way you live together as a family: Conflicts will decrease, agreements will work better. Of course, not everything will be peace, joy and pancakes! But you will learn to deal better with needs, situations and conflicts and to parent efficiently. The parenting courses take place in several modules. They are structured like workshops: experience-orientated, practical, full of activities. The aim is to experience the tools for yourself. They can then be used immediately at home. There is usually a follow-up course every month.

Not right for you?

Pains & Gains

How will a parenting course help you?


Most people want to support, strengthen and encourage children. Unfortunately, we don’t learn how to do this. Then everyday life challenges us and we slip into old patterns. With specific tools from Positive Discipline, you will gain confidence in dealing with difficult situations.


150 parenting guides can’t tell you the best way to deal with the children in your life. Take the tools from Positive Discipline and apply them in the way that is right for you. Stay true to yourself and still do a lot of new things.


Conflicts and frustration are noticeably reduced. Rediscover the joy of the children in your life! Feel at ease with yourself because you are no longer complaining and ‘field weaving’, but communicating at eye level.

Practical, effective, well-founded

Everything I show you is based on neuropsychological evidence. I am a trained psychologist and can draw on 2 decades of experience as an educator. Many parenting theories don’t work in everyday life. That’s why we prefer to stick to practical tips that will actually make your life easier.



Here you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions.

Treating children lovingly and consistently means not shaming or hurting them. You use methods that encourage children so that they behave correctly. This includes dialogue and natural consequences. Children learn that their behaviour has consequences.

It’s never too late! If you learn to communicate well in the family or at work, it will make your life easier in all areas. Even if your children are already grown up, it’s important to have good relationships with them. You can set a good example, no matter how old the children are. By working with me, you will learn how to formulate your own needs and make agreements with others. You can use this throughout your life. It will improve your relationships.

Prevention is the key. The earlier you learn to recognise and communicate your own needs, the better you’ll be able to deal with a crisis in your relationship. You will learn tools to deal effectively with parenting challenges – and practise them for situations where they arise. You deepen your understanding of your child – and can deal with everyday situations more calmly.

Unfortunately not. My services are for self-paying clients. Please contact me if you are unable to afford my fee. Have a look at my events calendar: I give many free workshops and discussion groups. My newsletter contains information about discount offers that you can take advantage of.

Have a look at my events calendar: I organise lots of free workshops and discussion groups. My newsletter contains information about discount offers that you can take advantage of.

No. The parenting groups are designed to support everyone who is involved in parenting. No matter what you do for a living or what training you have. You can exchange ideas with others and practise specific methods. There is no talking shop or reading specialised literature here. Just come and try it out.

When we are overwhelmed with children, we fall back on old patterns. It’s normal to lose your nerve sometimes. It happens to everyone who works or lives with children. The key thing is: you want to learn. You want to do better. If we deal with our mistakes, we can learn from them – I would like to help you with that.

Check my event calendar for online events. These usually take place in the evening, so you can attend without needing babysitting. There are always courses where childcare is offered. Subscribe to the newsletter for this information. I am also happy to put you in touch with others who have the same problem. You can then take it in turns to attend the course and look after each other’s children.

Find 4 – 6 like-minded people. I will give you a workshop or a course on the dates of your choice. Just send me an e-mail or give me a call. We’ll find a solution!

You can find the button on the homepage and book an appointment yourself. You can call me or send me an e-mail and I will call you back. We will arrange an appointment together.

I offer free introductory appointments so that you can get to know me and my way of counselling. Feel free to visit one of my free events so that you can experience me. You can find lots of videos of me talking about children on YouTube. Once we have signed a contract, my cancellation policy applies. You can find my cancellation policy here.

This is how I help​​

References & Case Studies

Delegation of responsibility

A single mother found new relief in her family life and was able to reduce the burden by delegating specific...

Benefiting from others’ experiences

In a discussion panel on the topic of saying "no," various viewpoints and methods were explored, leading to practical...

Tidying up

A mother successfully transformed the constant arguing over tidying up into a cooperative solution through changes in...

What my customers say​


Es ist mir ein Vergnügen, mit Elisabeth Krista zusammenzuarbeiten. Ich schätze ihre freundliche Art und ihre Liebe zum Detail ebenso wie ihren reichen Erfahrungsschatz und ihre zuverlässige Unterstützung. Ich kann ihre Elternworkshops nur wärmstens empfehlen.
So cool die Veranstaltung! Ich konnte einfach fragen, was mich gerade beschäftigte, weil der Kleine gerade so viel haut und beißt, das macht mich total fertig. Aber Elisabeth hat mich wieder aufgebaut und mir genau Tipps gegeben, was ich probieren soll. Eine andere Mama mit älteren Kindern dort hat mir auch total weitergeholfen. Das war richtig toll. Danke, danke, danke!
Brit (Mama, 2 Jahre)
Das war mir am Anfang sehr fremd, meine privaten Dinge mit anderen zu bereden. Aber es hilft unheimlich! Ich möchte das jetzt regelmäßig machen. Und Elisabeth: du machst das wirklich super! Ich war so skeptisch, aber du hast mir sehr geholfen.
Breger (Papa, 7 & 12 Jahre)
Ich war im Elternkurs und muss echt sagen, da tut sich was zuhause. Echt anders und wirklich gut. Es fühlt sich leichter an. Ich bin froh, dass ich teilgenommen habe, auch wenn ich zuerst gar nicht so Bock hatte, wieder über Erziehung zu hören. Aber Elisabeth macht das super einfühlsam und trotzdem klar. Ich bleib dran!
Stefan (Papa, 8 Jahre)
Eigentlich bin ich nur im Schnupperworkshop gelandet, weil ich zufällig im Upsi war und Zeit hatte. Wie bin ich froh, dass das mir passiert ist! Tolle Workshopleitung mit Herz und Hirn. Endlich hab ich das Gefühl, tatsächlich was über Erziehung lernen zu können.
Rita (Mama, 7 Jahre)
Ich liebe die Diskussionspartys! Jedes Mal gehe ich mit irgendwelchen Ideen raus, die mir nie in den Sinn gekommen wären! Was für ein irre gutes Format. Mir passt es super, dass ich abends noch mit einem Gläschen in der Hand über Elternschaft diskutieren kann, ohne was zu müssen. Ich bin immer dabei, wenn ich Zeit habe. Bitte mehr davon!
Gerhardt (Papa, 2 & 4 Jahre)
Elisabeth hat sowohl Expertise wie auch Herz. Sie bringt große Empathie mit und versteht wie der Alltag in der Kita schlauchen kann. Dann hat man keine Lust mehr, Kinder „zu verstehen“! Aber sie ermutigt einen sehr dazu, es dennoch immer wieder zu tun.
Tatjana, Erzieherin
Elisabeths kompetente und liebevolle Beratung hat mir nicht nur geholfen, die Beziehung zu meinem Sohn zu optimieren, sie hat auch ihm geholfen, sich selbst in einem neuen Licht zu sehen. Und sie hat mir geholfen, mehr Leichtigkeit und weniger Druck zu empfinden. Mir ist klar geworden, dass unsere kleine Familie zählt, nicht die Meinung oder Vorstellungen anderer. Danke!
Raphaela (Tirol)

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